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The People's Forum 2024

Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Apia, Samoa | 21-22 October

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The People’s Forum has been a central part of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) for decades, providing a unique opportunity for Commonwealth citizens to engage directly with each other; to celebrate shared values and diverse cultures; to interact with leaders, and to participate in shaping both policy and practice. The People’s Forum 2024 is organised by the Commonwealth Foundation in close collaboration with the Host Government and the Samoa Umbrella of Non-Governmental Organisation (SUNGO). It will focus on the challenges and opportunities in delivering people-centered governance across the Commonwealth, exploring some of the most urgent issues of our time—climate justice, health justice and freedom of expression—and centering the plight of small and vulnerable states, women and young people.

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8:00 am, 21 Oct 2024 to 9:00 am, 21 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa


Register for the People’s Forum at the Registration Desk.

9:00 am, 21 Oct 2024 to 9:45 am, 21 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa

Opening Ceremony

The People’s Forum 2024 will open with a ceremony themed around the concept of Fa’asamoa (the ‘Samoan Way’). The session will feature brief speeches, including a welcome by Her Excellency Fiamē Naomi Mataʻafa, Prime Minister of Samoa; a poetry recital of ‘They taking pictures of us in the water’ by Audrey Brown-Pereira and a hip hop remix by Matthew Salapu-Faiumu (aka Anonymouz); and an exploration of the ideas civil society has generated and developed since Rwanda: the location of the last People’s Forum.

Selina Tusitala Marsh
Terri-Karelle Johnson
10:00 am, 21 Oct 2024 to 11:30 am, 21 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa

The Challenges Ahead: Climate Justice, Health Justice and Freedom of Expression

In this session civil society leaders from the Caribbean and Pacific will challenge us to think critically about how change happens, and how obstructions can be overcome. This participatory discussion will set the stage for a deeper exploration of climate justice, health justice and freedom of expression taking place throughout the People’s Forum. Drawing from a series of preparatory events and our speaker’s rich experience, we will openly interrogate barriers to progress and share stories of ground breaking solutions to issues such as noncommunicable diseases, the threats posed to media freedom, and the climate challenges faced by the Commonwealth’s small and vulnerable states.

Photo: UN Women

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Moderator Terri-Karelle Johnson
Speaker Kalafi Moala
Speaker Brianna Fruean
Speaker Dr James Hospedales
Terri-Karelle Johnson
Kalafi Moala
Brianna Fruean
Dr James Hospedales
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11:30 am, 21 Oct 2024 to 11:55 am, 21 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa

Tea Break

Tea break and opportunity to browse ‘Our Climate, Our Future’, an exhibition of photography by young Samoans.

12:00 pm, 21 Oct 2024 to 1:30 pm, 21 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa

The People Act: Community-Led Initiatives Towards Climate Justice and Health Justice

This interactive session will spotlight trailblazing grassroots initiatives that are leading the way to greater climate and health justice. We will seek to understand how pioneering tactics from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and the Pacific can be supported, replicated, and scaled Commonwealth-wide. Alongside an intergenerational and indigenous panel, we will explore the central importance of youth advocacy, how community-driven approaches are influencing national and global policies, and how vulnerable communities, including indigenous peoples and those living in the Global South, can be fairly represented and heard in policymaking. All participants will have the opportunity to actively engage, share insights, and contribute to the conversation.

Photo: School Strike

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Moderator Dr James Hospedales
Speaker Dr Collin Tukuitonga
Speaker Archana Soreng
Speaker Stephanie Harvey
Speaker Brianna Fruean
Dr James Hospedales
Dr Collin Tukuitonga
Archana Soreng
Stephanie Harvey
Brianna Fruean
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1:30 pm, 21 Oct 2024 to 2:45 pm, 21 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa

Lunch Break

Lunch break and opportunity to browse ‘Our Climate, Our Future’ exhibition and attend delegate-led sessions.

2:00 pm, 21 Oct 2024 to 2:45 pm, 21 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa
Conference Fale
Delegate-Led Session

People Centred Research in Action: Indigenous Perspectives on the Impact of Climate Change on Community Health and Wellbeing

Led by Association of Commonwealth Universities

Climate change impacts community health needs and weakens healthcare systems across the Commonwealth. These effects are especially felt in smaller and more vulnerable states. To support a coordinated response to these impacts, Member States have called for robust evidence that details the links between climate and health. This session will present research from Fiji National University and The University of the West Indies, highlighting indigenous perspectives on community health and wellbeing. The session will explore how climate change affects food security, nutrition, and the prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), and will underscore the importance of local flora and fauna as community health assets. Participants will also discuss strategies to enhance coordination between academia and civil society to improve community health outcomes.

2:00 pm, 21 Oct 2024 to 2:45 pm, 21 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa
Conference Centre
Delegate-Led Session

‘Disabled People, Climate and other Emergencies in the Commonwealth’

Led by the Commonwealth Disabled People’s Forum

People with disabilities in the Commonwealth’s climate-vulnerable states face heightened risks from rising sea levels and extreme weather events. Despite comprising 16% of the Commonwealth population, their safety and needs are often overlooked in emergency planning. This workshop will introduce a human rights approach to emergency preparedness, guided by Article 11 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It will emphasise the importance of fully including disabled people in planning, training, and climate response strategies. Participants will hear best practices of effective disability inclusion in emergency preparation and action.

3:00 pm, 21 Oct 2024 to 4:30 pm, 21 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa

No Time to Waste: Financing for Climate Justice and Resilience

Financing for climate justice and resilience is not happening at the rate and scale that is desperately needed. Frontline countries are calling for a show of solidarity across the Commonwealth and a new approach that can deliver meaningful results. Our speakers will explore policy that can meet the immediate needs of the Commonwealth’s most marginalised and remote communities while building long-term resilience. Participants will be asked to shape clear and actionable proposals for the next United Nation’s climate summit (COP29).

Photo credit: Rodney Dekker / Climate Visuals

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Moderator Audrey Brown-Pereira
Speaker Christopher Bartlett
Speaker Othniel Yila
Speaker Jevanic Henry
Speaker Kumi Naidoo
Audrey Brown-Pereira
Christopher Bartlett
Othniel Yila
Jevanic Henry
Kumi Naidoo
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4:30 pm, 21 Oct 2024 to 5:00 pm, 21 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa

Tea Break

Tea break and opportunity to browse ‘Our Climate, Our Future’ photography exhibition and attend delegate-led sessions.

4:45 pm, 21 Oct 2024 to 5:30 pm, 21 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa
Conference Fale
Delegate-Led Session

Ensuring equitable access to affordable medicines of assured quality

Led by Commonwealth Pharmacists Association

Global events—conflicts, health emergencies, natural disasters, and climate change—are straining healthcare systems and disrupting medical supply chains. As a result, vital medicines are inaccessible or unaffordable for many. This event will discuss how to strengthen the resilience of supply chains and maintain access to quality medicines. It will provide a platform to share innovative solutions for improving access to medicine across the Commonwealth. Participants will discuss strategies to build more resilient healthcare systems and contribute insights for strengthening healthcare equity.


4:45 pm, 21 Oct 2024 to 5:30 pm, 21 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa
Upstairs Boardroom
Delegate-Led Session

Resilient Commonwealth Communities: Indigenous Social Work Responses to Health and Equity in the Pacific Region

Led by Commonwealth Organisation of Social Work

Pacific Island communities are facing significant health and equity challenges, intensified by the Covid-19 pandemic and the climate crisis. What role can indigenous knowledge and practices play in building a fairer and healthier future? This session will explore how indigenous values and knowledge—often integrated into social work practices—can build healthier and fairer communities. Presenters from the Pacific and Aotearoa (New Zealand), including representatives from the Commonwealth Organisation for Social Work and regional universities, will share case studies that highlight the value of indigenous approaches. Delegates from all fields are invited to join the discussion and contribute their views.

6:00 pm, 21 Oct 2024 to 8:00 pm, 21 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa

Creativity for Change in the Pacific

The Commonwealth Foundation’s cultural work is founded on the belief that art and creativity can catalyse social change. Starting with a set of live performances, this evening event will explore how different forms of creativity, including photography, storytelling, poetry, music and dance, can be used to advocate for climate justice in the Pacific region. Panellists will discuss the cultural implications of the climate crisis and highlight traditional and present-day examples of Pacific communities preparing for climate events and building resilience.

Photo: UN Climate Change

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Moderator Selina Tusitala-Marsh
Speaker Okalani Mariner
Speaker Rosaiviti Solomona
Speaker Michael Theophilus Dom
Speaker Moemoana Schwenke
Speaker Joe Moeono-Kolio
Selina Tusitala-Marsh
Okalani Mariner
Rosaiviti Solomona
Michael Theophilus Dom
Moemoana Schwenke
Joe Moeono-Kolio
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8:00 am, 22 Oct 2024 to 9:00 am, 22 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa


Register for the People’s Forum at the Registration Desk.

8:00 am, 22 Oct 2024 to 8:45 am, 22 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa
Conference Fale
Delegate-Led Session

Charting a Course to Integrity - Pacific Corruption Barometer Results and Opportunities

Led by Transparency International

The values of transparent and accountable governance are increasingly at risk in the Pacific. Concerns around media freedom and freedom of expression intensified during the Covid-19 pandemic and now affect critical areas like elections and the current discourse on geopolitics. This roundtable will bring together Pacific voices to explore the importance of freedom in good governance. Participants are invited to share their perspectives and expectations for free expression and collaborate to develop strategies to reinforce democratic resilience and uphold the values of an inclusive and transparent Pacific.

8:00 am, 22 Oct 2024 to 8:45 am, 22 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa
Conference Centre
Delegate-Led Session

Dementia in the Commonwealth – Discussion of the CommonAge Report

Led by Commonwealth Association for the Ageing (CommonAge)

Dementia affects millions across the Commonwealth, yet it remains under-recognised and under-resourced. Despite the WHO’s 2017 Global Dementia Action Plan urging all states to develop National Dementia Plans (NDPs), many countries have yet to act. With dementia cases projected to triple by 2050, collaborative solutions for increasing care are urgently needed. This session will introduce CommonAge’s ‘Dementia in the Commonwealth’ report, a resource to assist Member States in creating NDPs that address care, diagnosis, and treatment gaps. Attendees will be invited to join a discussion on strategies for making dementia a public health priority.

8:00 am, 22 Oct 2024 to 8:45 am, 22 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa
Upstairs Boardroom
Delegate-Led Session

Trade Unions and a Resilient, Rights- and Justice-based Commonwealth

Led by Commonwealth Trade Union Group

The Commonwealth Trade Union Group, which represents 70 million members in 46 Member States, is set to unveil its 2024 report on Trade Union and Worker Rights. The report examines the role of union rights in upholding democracy and protecting freedom of expression, association, and assembly. In this event, Pacific and international trade unionists will argue for the importance of trade union rights for creating a freer and fairer Commonwealth. Participants are invited to share their perspectives and suggest actionable strategies for advancing health and climate justice through union rights.

9:00 am, 22 Oct 2024 to 10:30 am, 22 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa

Putting People First: Health Justice for Those Most in Need

Achieving health justice for the most vulnerable is a moral imperative and a truly global challenge. Right across the Commonwealth, preventable differences in the burden of ill-health persist. This session will explore what health justice means for the diverse populations of the Commonwealth and, crucially, how we can take practical steps to achieve it. Our speakers will explore innovation that can drastically improve access to quality care in some of the world’s most marginalised and underserved communities, as well as strategies for advocacy, cross-sector partnerships, and integrating traditional knowledge with modern medicine.

Photo: US AID

View event details
Moderator Justin Koonin
Speaker Abi Begho
Speaker Dr Collin Tukuitonga
Speaker Faatino Utumapu
Speaker Dr Stellah Bosire
Justin Koonin
Abi Begho
Dr Collin Tukuitonga
Faatino Utumapu
Dr Stellah Bosire
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10:30 am, 22 Oct 2024 to 10:55 am, 22 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa

Tea Break

Tea break and opportunity to browse ‘Our Climate, Our Future’ photography exhibition.

11:00 am, 22 Oct 2024 to 12:30 pm, 22 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa

The People Speak: Freedom of Expression in Our Commonwealth

Over a third of Commonwealth nations experienced sharp declines in media freedom in the decade to 2022. This decline, coupled with rising censorship and legal attacks on free expression, threatens transparency, accountability, and the ability of Commonwealth citizens to participate in their governance. In this session we will document and confront the urgent challenges to freedom of expression that are growing across the Commonwealth. Our speakers will explore how the contraction of civic space impacts everything from election integrity to environmental reporting, as well as the crucial role of online platforms as both tools of empowerment and vehicles for disinformation. As Heads of Government prepare to approve the Commonwealth Principles on Freedom of Expression in Samoa, we will explore the practical ways in which the Organisation can strengthen this most fundamental of rights into the future.

Photo: Commonwealth Secretariat

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Moderator Shahidul Alam
Speaker Kalafi Moala
Speaker Neha Dixit
Speaker Lance Polu
Speaker Kumi Naidoo
Shahidul Alam
Kalafi Moala
Neha Dixit
Lance Polu
Kumi Naidoo
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12:30 pm, 22 Oct 2024 to 1:45 pm, 22 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa

Lunch Break

Lunch break and opportunity to browse ‘Our Climate, Our Future’ exhibition and attend delegate-led sessions.

1:00 pm, 22 Oct 2024 to 1:45 pm, 22 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Conference Fale
Delegate-Led Session

Decriminalise! A human rights-based approach to criminal law in the modern Commonwealth

Led by Institute of Commonwealth Studies

Across the Commonwealth, civil society is calling for criminal law reforms to prioritise human rights and uphold freedom of expression. In response, the Institute of Commonwealth Studies will lead a session on implementing a human rights-based approach to criminal law reform, introducing essential resources such as the ‘8 March Principles’ and the new ‘Practitioners’ Guide’ as practical tools for advocates and legal practitioners. This event will explore what modern, rights-centred criminal law looks like across the Commonwealth, with a particular focus on decriminalising freedom of expression. This session invites attendees to engage, share perspectives, and build cross-regional partnerships, working together to strengthen justice systems that reflect our shared commitment to human rights.

1:00 pm, 22 Oct 2024 to 1:45 pm, 22 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa
Conference Centre
Delegate-Led Session

Civil Society and the Intergovernmental Commonwealth

Led by Independent Forum of Commonwealth Organisations (IFCO)

As global civic society space shrinks, the Commonwealth, with its unique emphasis on civil society, has a vital role to play. With the first CHOGM in the Pacific and a new Secretary-General on the horizon, this session offers a chance to reset and strengthen Commonwealth civil society’s relationship with its intergovernmental institutions and governments, building on the regional network of civil society in PIANGO and SUNGO. The session will examine key recommendations from the Independent Forum of Commonwealth Organisations’ (IFCO) submission to the Committee of the Whole. Participants are invited to engage in collaborative discussions on enhancing civil society access and influence, fostering a shared culture of engagement, and building resilient regional networks across the Commonwealth.

2:00 pm, 22 Oct 2024 to 3:30 pm, 22 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa

Our Commonwealth, Our Future

The Commonwealth stands at a significant juncture in its history. As Heads of Government prepare to select a new Secretary-General, the Commonwealth’s 1.5 billion young people—whose attitudes will surely determine its future relevance—are rightly questioning whether the Commonwealth is equipped to address modern-day threats to democracy, peace, and the health of our planet. Together with our dynamic and intergenerational panel of speakers, we will explore how the Commonwealth can strengthen democracy, foster economic development, and advocate for its most vulnerable member states. This final session of the People’s Forum will aim to inspire fresh thinking and generate ideas for turning words into action.

Photo: World Bank

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Moderator Professor Sue Onslow
Speaker The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG
Speaker Sir Anand Satyanand
Speaker Darrion Narine
Speaker Shomy Hasan Chowdhury
Professor Sue Onslow
The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG
Sir Anand Satyanand
Darrion Narine
Shomy Hasan Chowdhury
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4:00 pm, 22 Oct 2024 to 4:45 pm, 22 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa

Closing Ceremony

The Commonwealth People’s Forum 2024 will close with a summary of the key discussion points, identified priorities and actionable solutions put forward by civil society. The session will feature short speeches, as well as a live performance of ‘Symphony’, an African-inspired rendition of the Commonwealth Resounds relay song, by award-winning Motswana artist Lorraine Lionheart and her Ensemble from the African Diaspora. The winners of the ‘Our Climate, Our Future’ photography competition for Young Samoans will also be publicly announced and presented with their prizes.

Selina Tusitala Marsh
Terri-Karelle Johnson
6:00 pm, 22 Oct 2024 to 8:30 pm, 22 Oct 2024 AST (GMT + 13)
The St Therese Samoa Retreat and Accommodation, Apia, Samoa

All-Forums Joint Closing Reception

Organised by the Host Government, the CHOGM All-Forums closing reception will be held at St Therese Retreat, featuring live performances by local Samoan creatives.