No Time to Waste: Financing for Climate Justice and Resilience

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Audrey Brown-Pereira
Christopher Bartlett
Othniel Yila
Jevanic Henry
Kumi Naidoo
Date & Time
3:00pm, 21 October 2024 - 4:30pm, 21 October 2024
Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa
About the event

Financing for climate justice and resilience is not happening at the rate and scale that is desperately needed. Frontline countries are calling for a show of solidarity across the Commonwealth and a new approach that can deliver meaningful results. Our speakers will explore policy that can meet the immediate needs of the Commonwealth’s most marginalised and remote communities while building long-term resilience. Participants will be asked to shape clear and actionable proposals for the next United Nation’s climate summit (COP29).

Photo credit: Rodney Dekker / Climate Visuals

Audrey Brown-Pereira Moderator
Christopher Bartlett Speaker
Othniel Yila Speaker
Jevanic Henry Speaker
Kumi Naidoo Speaker
Audrey Brown-Pereira

Audrey Brown-Pereira is a poet who plays with text on the page and performs words in the air/ ear. Her poetry collections include ‘Threads of Tivaevae: Kaleidoskope of Kolours’ with Veronica Vaevae by Steele Roberts, ‘Passages in Between I(s)lands’ by Ala Press and ‘A-wake-(e)nd’ by Saufo’i Press.  Audrey is of Cook Islands Maori and Samoan descent, born on the island of Rarotonga and raised in South Auckland. A graduate of Auckland University and the National University of Samoa, Audrey lives in Samoa with her family and works for an environmental organisation that serves the Pacific region.

Christopher Bartlett

Dr. Christopher Bartlett has been a senior adviser on climate issues in Vanuatu and the Pacific for more than 20 years. He holds a PhD at James Cook University, and a post-doc with Nobel Prize Laureate late Elinor Ostrom.

Othniel Yila

Othniel Yila, is the Commonwealth National Climate Finance Adviser (CNCFA) to Uganda. He has worked across nine countries and played a pivotal role in establishing the Commonwealth Climate Finance Access Hub (CCFAH), contributing to global climate finance strategies.

Jevanic Henry

Jevanic Henry is a climate change and development professional who currently serves as the first Caribbean representative on the UN Secretary General’s Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change. He previously served as Climate Change Special Envoy for the Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN) and a United Nations Foundation’s Next Generation Fellow. At the national level, he served as a Foreign Service Officer and most recently as his country’s first Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) Fellow, assigned to the Permanent Mission of Saint Lucia to the United Nations in New York. In the multilateral space, in addition to consulting on various climate projects and campaigns, he has worked with the Commonwealth Secretariat climate change unit and co-authored a practical guide on enhancing access to climate finance. He continues to support youth-led organisations in Saint Lucia and the Caribbean in accessing climate finance. Jevanic is also currently a Fellow at the UNFCCC Secretariat in Bonn.

Kumi Naidoo

Kumi Naidoo is a South African human rights and environmental justice activist, who currently is the President of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty and a Payne Distinguished Lecturer at Stanford University. He is the former Secretary-General of Amnesty International (2018-2020) and also the first person from the Global South to lead Greenpeace International (2009-2015). He is an advisor for the Community Arts Network. He serves as a global ambassador for Africans Rising for Justice, Peace and Dignity. His family has started the Riky Rick Foundation for the Promotion of Artivism to build on the positive legacies left by popular South African rapper Rikhado “Riky Rick” Makhado through his music and life’s work. Kumi is the author of award-winning Letters To My Mother: The Makings of a Troublemaker. Kumi is also the host of the podcast Power, People and Planet.

Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, Beach Road, Apia, Samoa
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