PRISM International: 2024 Creative Non-Fiction Contest

Deadline: July 1st, 2024

$1,500 grand prize, $600 runner-up, $400 2nd runner-up

Judge: TBA

Maximum word count: 6,000 words. Please submit only one piece per submission. You may submit additional stories using the Additional Entry option for $5.

Note: once an entry is received, no revisions will be allowed. Entry fees are non-refundable. Please ensure your entry meets the following guidelines before submitting.

PRISM international offers free entries for self-identifying Black and Indigenous writers for all our contests. Black and Indigenous writers are invited to submit using the appropriate Submittable links.  We also have a number of free entries to offer to low-income writers, and we encourage writers for whom the contest entry fee is prohibitive to contact us at to arrange contest entry.

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Enquiries about submissions should be directed to PRISM International. Please always refer to their website for complete details and information.

Please note, this competition is run by PRISM International, not the Commonwealth Foundation.