Global Media Competition on Labour Migration- Call for Submissions

The International Labour Organisation has announced the 10th edition of the Global Media Competition on Labour Migration in celebration of International Migrants Day!

Submit your creative piece in the following format: written press, photo essay, multimedia, podcast, video, or radio. Entries in any language are accepted but must include an English, French, or Spanish translation. Students can submit published or unpublished work.

Four professional prizes and one student prize will be awarded. Winners can choose either a cash prize (US$1,200 for professionals, US$500 for students) or a paid fellowship for a 2025 ITC-Turin online course.


The objective of the competition is to recognize exemplary media coverage of labour migration by encouraging professional and student journalists to submit a piece of their work, whether it be in the form of a written article, photo essay, multimedia material, video or radio.

Submitted entries should:

  • Highlights the benefits of well-governed and safe labour migration, including fair recruitment and/or raises awareness of the risks and dangers of irregular, unsafe and/or badly governed labour migration, including recruitment.
  • Portrays migrants’ contribution to the social and economic development of countries of origin and destination without overlooking the negative aspects of the labour market situation of migrant workers (e.g. often a hard reality of abuses, exploitation and violation of human and labour rights).
  • Demonstrates creativity and accuracy. For more information on how to understand, find and tell a story on forced labour and fair recruitment, including concrete tips for improving media productions and story ideas, see the ILO toolkit for journalists: Reporting on forced labour and fair recruitment.
  • Uses non-discriminatory and non-stigmatizing terminology. The use of the right words is key for quality reporting, to avoid stigmatization and positively influence the debate on migration. The ILO Media-friendly glossary on migration provides a list of rights-based terminologies and language that the UN supports.

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Enquiries about submissions should be directed to The International Labour Organisation. Please always refer to their website for complete details and information. 

Please note, this call is run by The International Labour Organisationnot the Commonwealth Foundation