Deodar-BLF Prize 2024

The Deodar Prize is an effort to recognise new themes and voices in literary fiction in India.

The deodar cedar is indigenous to the Himalayas, where its local name Devdar translates from the original Sanskrit as “timber of the gods”. But during the British Raj, the pine tree — a more eroding species with better commercial value — got extensively cultivated in regions of Uttarakhand and Himachal. Today, we need more diverse and native varieties of plants (like the deodar) to build the resilience of our mountains. This prize is a tribute to the tree that grounds our soil, gives us its seed in the deodar cedar cone, and builds our home in the mountain

This year, the Deodar-BLF 2024 prize is dedicated to the “short story” — a format that goes back 5000 years. The Epic of Gilgamesh — the oldest recorded short story — reveals the emerging consciousness of humankind, as it was stepping out of the Neolithic era. But as a larger example, it shows us how stories best capture, and fossilise, the cultural imagination of any time.

This year, we are collaborating with the Bangalore Literature Festival which will be held on 14–15 December, 2024. The author of the winning entry will be announced at the festival, awarded a cash prize of Rs. 1 Lakh, and will receive an unconditional offer to have their story feature in The Bombay Literary Magazine’s December edition.

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Enquiries about submissions should be directed to The Deodar Prize. Please always refer to their website for complete details and information. 

Please note, this call is run by The Deodar Prize, not the Commonwealth Foundation