Bridport Prize: Memoir Award

We all have a story to tell about ourselves, the good, the bad and the how did I end up there? Celebrate a snapshot of your life, a fragment in time or rear view mirror look at what was and now is.

We initially need 5,000 to 8,000 words plus a 300 word overview. If you’re long listed we’ll ask for a total of 15,000 words, including your original word count. Shortlisted? Then we need a total 30,000 words, again including your original entry and long listed word count.

It’s your moment of truth.


A memoir, for the purpose of this competition, is a non-fiction narrative about a particular time, events or experiences in the author’s own life. Memoirs about other people and fictional memoirs are not eligible.

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Enquiries about submissions should be directed to the Bridport Prize. Please always refer to their website for complete details and information.

Please note, this competition is run by the Bridport Prize, not the Commonwealth Foundation.