RSL V.S Pritchett Short Story Prize

The RSL V.S. Pritchett Short Story Prize seeks to find the best unpublished short story of the year.

This Prize for the best unpublished short story of the year was founded by the RSL at the beginning of the new millennium to commemorate the centenary of an author widely regarded as the finest English short-story writer of the 20th century, and to preserve a tradition encompassing Pritchett’s warmth of feeling and mastery of narrative.

The prize is now open. The closing date for submissions is 13 September.

Please ensure you have read and understood the V.S. Pritchett Prize Eligibility and Guidelines prior to entering.

Entries for low-income writers:

The RSL is committed to increasing accessibility and supporting writers of all incomes. As such, we are offering 50 free entries to low-income writers based in the UK.

To apply for a free entry to this year’s prize please email using the subject ‘Free VSP Entry Application’ and in the body of the email include your name, postcode and one line on why you are eligible for a free entry, such as being in receipt of Jobseeker’s Allowance, Disability Benefit, Income Support, Working Tax Credit, Housing Benefit, or a full-time student or carer. All details will be kept in the strictest confidence and have no bearing on your Prize entry.

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Enquiries about submissions should be directed to Royal Society of Literature. Please always refer to their website for complete details and information. 

Please note, this competition is run by Royal Society of Literature, not the Commonwealth Foundation.