The quality and equity imperatives of education in Small States

Posted on 07/09/2015
By Joe Byrde
The quality and equity imperatives of education in Small States

H.E. Marie-Pierre Lloyd, Seychelles High Commissioner to the UK was interviewed at the 19th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers (19CCEM) on how to provide quality education in Small States, despite the challenges facing them.

The High Commissione identified ‘brain drain‘ as one of the key challenges facing education in Small States. “It’s a knowledge-based society and we want to be there as well. You want to be part of that global setup, so again your people need to be broadening out. But once you get more education then you get the challenge of brain drain, because now they are marketable internationally so your bright ones might leave. You always almost have to be training and training all the time.” 

H.E. Lloyd also highlighted how providing quality education was not merely a question of matching skills with current jobs. “Because if you closely match it now what about freedom of people, freedom of choice? … It’s for us I think a question of now the equity issue and the quality of education.” 

The High Commissioner was interviewed following her keynote speech and participation in the 19CCEM Civil Society Forum. 


The quality and equity imperatives of education in Small States
