Submissions call for Indentured Labour Anthology: Deadline 12 June 2017

Photo Credit: Archives and Research Centre for Ethnomusicology

Commonwealth Writers and the School of Advanced Study, University of London, are looking for submissions from writers whose heritage includes the experience of indentured labour.

The anthology (title tbc) will include poetry, nonfiction and fiction and will be published in 2018 by the School of Advanced Study to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of indentured labour. Twenty of the 52 countries of the Commonwealth were affected by indentured labour migration in the twentieth century. The anthology will explore and be shaped by the legacy of indentured labour.

All writers from the Commonwealth are eligible.

Please submit only ONE of the following:

One Poem or

One nonfiction proposal or

One short story

Please ensure your name, the title and page numbers are included on the document you submit.

The length of the short story/nonfiction should be between 1,500 and 5,000 words. Please include a short biography, stating what your nationality is, and your writing history.

Send your submissions to: Please write ‘Indentured Labour Anthology’ in the subject heading.

You can find out more at the Commonwealth Writers Website.