Commonwealth Foundation Annual Workplan and Budget 2017-2018

The Commonwealth Foundation’s Strategic Plan 2017-21 will be guided by a Logic Model that constitutes the single theory of change for the period of 2017-21.

This is the Plan’s highest-level framework. As set out in the Strategic Plan, the Logic Model will be accompanied by a Strategic Performance Framework, which links the outcomes to indicators at the short term and intermediate outcomes, the levels at which contributions may be evaluable.

At the Foundation’s planning conference in April 2017, a participatory process was facilitated with all staff involved in identifying indicators for both short term and intermediate outcomes. The process helped to further define the specific contributions that the Foundation could make to strengthening civic voice and resulted in the development of a Programme Performance Framework and a Risk Register for each of the following:

1. Participatory Governance and Gender
2. Commonwealth Writers
3. Grants Programme
4. Support Services with includes the four support areas and Knowledge, Learning and Communication

The annual planning was undertaken with the view of designing projects for the next two years of the strategy period. The activity-based budgeting however was confined to cover the first year of the strategy period: 2017-18. This approach to planning is consistent with the Foundation’s commitment to results-based management.