Antigua & Barbuda

“Those masquerades,” he said, and then was not sure what else he could say, how to explain it to people who, although so obviously Afri­can, were yet and still not African at all. Perhaps it would be better if he did not try to speak in African terms.  […] This young, cultured woman with her milk-and-coffee skin would not understand any of this. He thought of the servants downstairs in the kitchen, and knew that they would understand, but he did not speak Creole and they might not speak English. In any case, there was no time. So he said only this to Cecile: “Miss, I fear that there is about to be a great deal of trouble.” And she replied, “Yes, sir, I know.”

–Marie-Elena John, excerpt from ‘Unburnable‘ , (Harper Collins/Amistad)