Upholding the rights of young disabled people

  • Amount funded: £53,066
  • Year: 2014
  • Duration: 24 months
  • Locations: Mozambique
  • Grant stream: Open grants call

There are few opportunities to raise funds for disability rights due to the gap that exists between young disabled people and their civil society organisations (CSOs) and local government.

Project partners
Disability and Development Partners (DDP)
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How we are helping

Supporting a project to uphold the rights of young people with disabilities through engaging in dialogue with local government in Mozambique.

About the project

The Association of Young Disabled People of Mozambique (AJODEMO) is raising its members’ capacity to help local government departments and officials improve how they implement domestic and international legislation designed to support them.

This includes ensuring the rights and entitlements of young people are better understood, respected, and enforced, with AJODEMO taking the lead in developing and facilitating opportunities for structured engagement between community and local government stakeholders.

The government of Mozambique has shown its commitment towards improving conditions for young disabled people by ratifying the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and adopting new domestic legislation.

With a specific focus on the provinces of Maputo and Gaza, AJODEMO is working with the support of the UK-based Disability and Development Partners (DDP) on projects to improve the lives of young disabled people. The project will enhance young disabled people’s ability to engage in the community by fostering dialogue and improved relations with local government, improve their economic prospects, and reduce the stigma and discrimination they face.

AJODEMO President, Cantol Pondja, explained, “We at AJODEMO firmly believe that this project with funding from the Commonwealth Foundation and DDP support has the potential to establish a new way for young disabled people and government officials and institutions to engage with each other for everybody’s benefit – particularly to give young disabled people better chances in life.”

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Project Partners
Disability and Development Partners (DDP)
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