Pacific Voices

  • Year: 2017
  • Locations: Papua New Guinea, Tonga
  • Grant stream: Creative grants
About the project

Commonwealth Shorts: Pacific Voices was initiated by Commonwealth Writers to help aspiring writers and directors in the Pacific Islands develop their craft as filmmakers. Working with professional film crews the filmmakers saw their scripts and dreams come to life.

Together with BSAG Productions, a New Zealand production partner, Commonwealth Writers put out an open call for new and emerging writer/directors.

Novice filmmakers were given an open brief to highlight issues affecting people from the region. Three directors from Tonga and three from Papua New Guinea were selected. The filmmakers were supported through the scriptwriting process by New Zealand based writer, Briar Grace-Smith.

The filming took place in Tonga and Papua New Guinea with supportive and sometimes surprised local residents recruited as actors. A small but energetic film crew dashed between locations over twelve days while Kiel McNaughton from BSAG supported the directors as a mentor.

Commonwealth Writers programme manager, Janet Steel, together with Mike Freedman from Day 600 worked with the filmmakers locally on the editing process.

Preview the six Pacific short films.

Faka’anaua – Written and Directed by Sio Sateki Malani Wolfgramm

A young girl learns to cope with death during the preparations for a funeral.

The Education of Grayson Toki – Written and Directed by Glenill Burua

A young man tries to find himself in rural Papua New Guinea.

My Mother’s Blood – Written and Directed by Katherine Reki

A young boy witnesses the brutal killing of his mother and sets out to take revenge.

The Black Pen – Written and Directed by ‘Ofa-Ki-Levuka Guttenbeil-Likiliki

A newly trained counsellor at a women’s refuge comes face to face with the real challenges of investigating a case of child sexual abuse while juggling the demands of her personal life.

The Red Ball – Written and Directed by ‘Amelia Fakahikuo’uiha Liliu’okalani Fonua Helu

The arrival of a drunk uncle precipitates the loss of a young girl’s family home.

Koriva – Written and Directed by Euralia Paine

A young girl from the city tries to participate in traditional village wife against her father’s wishes.

Cover image source: eGuide Travel/ Creative Commons

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