Strengthening statutory regulation for civil society organisations

  • Amount funded: £51,456
  • Year: 2016
  • Duration: 36 months
  • Locations: Nigeria
  • Grant stream: Open grants call

The regulatory framework for Nigerian civil society organisations (CSOs) is derived from a series of laws which cover registration, supervision and regulation of CSOs activities. These laws need to be amended to reflect the realities of the CSO sector in Nigeria.

Project partners
Nigeria Network of NGOs
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About the project

The Nigeria Network of NGOs (NNNGO) is engaging with government on the need to revise legislation and work with CSOs to improve compliance. The project is holding consultations with civil society organisations to develop recommendations for a law that directly supports the effectiveness of CSOs in Nigeria  The project will be undertaken in close collaboration with regulatory bodies, in order to review the current legislation and present draft amendments for discussion. NNNGO is also promoting understanding of the regulatory requirements among CSOs.

It is hoped that by the end of the project, revised legislation that improves the operating environment for civil society organisations and promotes effectiveness and accountability would have been adopted.

Endorsed project title: Strengthening statutory regulation for civil society organisations in Nigeria

Photo: Mark Fischer, Abuja Street Portrait, Flickr CC

Project Partners
Nigeria Network of NGOs

Nigeria Network for NGOs is the first generic membership body umbrella membership body for civil society organisations in Nigeria. It is comprised of over 2,000 organisations across all the states in Nigeria, ranging from small organisations working at the local level, to larger networks at the national level. Its mission includes protecting the environment within which NGOs operate, coordinating the voice of civil society organisations in Nigeria and facilitating advocacy on issues of sustainable development.