Enhancing community participation in the community development fund (CDF) administration

  • Amount funded: £60,000
  • Year: 2023
  • Duration: 24 months
  • Locations: Zambia
  • Grant stream: Open grants call

Community development fund (CDF) allocation by the national government to constituencies has increased dramatically over the past several years; however, the Auditor General’s report in 2023 shows that administration of the fund requires reform.

Project partners
Alliance for Accountability Advocates Zambia
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How we are helping

This project aims to improve participation of community members in the administration of the fund, enhance dialogue between civil society and government to ensure more careful use of the CDF, and foster a strengthened sense of ownership in local development.

About the project

Knowledge gaps among citizens, regarding both their responsibilities towards the state and the state’s obligations to them, lead to a lack of awareness among many citizens regarding the principles of good governance and active citizenship. With the increased allocation of the CDF, it is crucial to ensure community oversight to uphold the highest levels of transparency and accountability for these funds.

The project will work with local communities in five provinces, local authorities and duty-bearers, parliamentarians and officials to advocate for the integration of community-led accountability mechanisms into the administration of the CDF.

This will be achieved by:

  • Training participants from different wards across five provinces on social accountability, human rights, legal and policy frameworks, budget tracking and CDF administration; guiding them in the development of ward-level action plans
  • Bringing trained participants together into community action groups (CAGs) to mobilise submissions for CDF utilisation at the ward level for presentation to local authorities and duty-bearers
  • Supporting CAGs to advocate with parliamentarians and officials for legal and policy reforms
  • Supporting CAGs to work with local authorities to monitor and evaluate implementation of CDF projects.

As a result of the project, participants will be better equipped to effectively hold duty-bearers and civic leaders accountable for matters concerning service delivery and the administration of the CDF. It is hoped that community engagement in the processes of planning, implementation, and monitoring will be enhanced as a result of the formation of community action groups.

Project Partners
Alliance for Accountability Advocates Zambia

Alliance for Accountability Advocates Zambia is a youth-led nationwide membership non-profit-organisation that seeks to promote meaningful participation of young people in developmental processes at local, national, regional and international levels through capacity building and evidence-based advocacy. Their focus areas include: governance and accountability, youth employment and entrepreneurship, climate change, environmental sustainability management, agriculture and clean energy, ensuring good healthy lives and promoting well-being for all, and advocating for adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR).

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