The World Health Organisation’s 2011 World Report on Disability says that 15 per cent of the world’s population live with some form of disability. 24 million live in Bangladesh alone, often in rural areas.
How we are helping
About the project
Turning Point intends to develop the advocating capacity of Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) and persons with disabilities in rural areas, approximately 50% of whom are women with disabilities. By improving their organisational systems, DPOs are better able to identify and articulate their concerns which can then be included in the implementation of national and international laws designed to protect disabled people. The project is also establishing links between DPOs and government to secure equal opportunities and inclusion in national legislature on disability rights.
Turning Point is also helping DPOs overall understanding of international regulations, human rights protections, and other existing laws.
Endorsed project title: Developing the capacity of persons with disabilities and Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) to advocate for their rights
Project Partners
We support people's participation in democracy and development by providing grants, platforms, and expertise.