Bringing civil society into the Commonwealth Health Ministers Meeting

  • Locations: Global
  • Grant stream: Archive projects

Civic voice dialogue in Commonwealth Ministerial spaces is a critical element of participatory governance on health.

How we are helping

The Foundation promotes constructive engagement as an approach to advocacy by providing spaces for civil society to influence government.

About the project

The Commonwealth Health Ministers Meeting (CHMM) is held every year in Geneva.

This video explains what the CHMM Civil Society Forum is about.

The Commonwealth Foundation, in collaboration with the Commonwealth Secretariat and host governments has, where feasible and relevant, convened a Civil Society Forum (CSF) as a pre-conference meeting.

The CSF enables the presence and participation of Commonwealth civil society to put forward a position on issues discussed at the Ministerial meetings with the intention that civil society’s policy asks will be taken on to the World Health Assembly. The Commonwealth Foundation has enabled the participation of civic voices from the margins which includes local leaders, subject experts or representatives of communities impacted by the policy under discussion.  The Forum also provides civic actors the opportunity to share good practises and build partnerships on issues impacting diverse constituencies.