'How to Submit Manuscripts' by Literary Agent Juliet Pickering

Posted on 24/07/2014
By Commonwealth Foundation
“They’re not committing themselves to reading 80000 words, they’re sitting down, they’ve got maybe half an hour of time to pour over a really good story. A short story is a whole, but hopefully leaves you thinking.”

Short Story, Blake FriedmannIn this podcast Juliet Pickering, a literary agent at the London-based media agency Blake Friedmann, discusses the role of Blake Friedmann and the literary agent.
She also speaks about Blake Friedmann’s partnership with Commonwealth Writers to work with selected writers identified through the 2014 Commonwealth Short Story Prize. Juliet also gives a detailed guide to submitting an unpublished manuscript to Blake Friedmann including some Do’s and Don’ts.
Juliet has written a blog post about her time in Uganda which is available to read here.
Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi from Uganda, Regional Winner (Africa Region), was the Overall Winner of the Commonwealth Short Story Prize, 2014. You can read a full report on the Prize announcement here, and all the Prize winning stories here.
The Commonwealth Short Story Prize unearths, identifies and develops original voices from the 53 countries of the Commonwealth. In 2014 unpublished stories were entered by nearly 4,000 writers from the five Commonwealth regions.