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The People's Forum

Our Planet, Our Health, Our Future
Kigali, Rwanda

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Kigali, Rwanda

Opening Session: A Commonwealth Vision

Enjoy a creative performance on the theme: Delivering a Common Future: Our Health, Our Planet, Our Future.

The welcoming speech is by a speaker of the Rwandan parliament.

Victoria Rubadiri
Mark de Lisser
Kigali, Rwanda

Building Resilient and Equitable National Health Systems

Throughout the Commonwealth, the past two years have laid bare the fragility and inequality of many national health systems, and the apparent incapacity of international systems and institutions to provide practical support. The speakers in this event explore what can be done internally to help build up health systems.

Dr Ines Hassan
Dr Justin Koonin
Prof Senait Fisseha
Dr Ravi Rannan-Eliya
Kigali, Rwanda

Climate Justice and Leadership for Change in the Commonwealth

The effects of climate change are being felt throughout the Commonwealth, with some Member States experiencing global warming as a direct and immediate threat to their economies, their communities, and their way of life. As home to most of the world’s small island states, it is clear that the Commonwealth has a special responsibility to amplify their voices and build meaningful solidarity to protect their interests. Speakers ask how the Commonwealth can lead on climate issues that are of special relevance and importance to its Member States, and how civil society can come together to identify priorities for action in the lead-up to COP27.

Victoria Rubadiri
Dr Jimmy Fletcher
Harjeet Singh
Maxwell Gomera
Dr Emmanuel Ugirashebuja
Audrey Brown-Pereira
Kigali, Rwanda

Health and Climate: Meeting the Immediate Challenge of Financing

As countries seek to respond to the health and economic effects of recent crises, debt is surging to record levels, leaving low-and middle-income countries especially vulnerable. These countries’ capacity to fund strong health systems, and to respond the impacts of climate change, is increasingly constrained. The speakers in this event ask what action can be taken to support these countries in meeting their climate and health goals.

Heidi Chow
Dr Donald Kaberuka
Alvin Mosioma
Dr Jimmy Fletcher
Kigali, Rwanda

Innovations in Participatory Governance

This interactive debate will discuss innovations that are bringing people into governance: giving them a voice in shaping their institutions and holding them to account.

Dr Linda Yueh
Hon Protais Musoni
Dr Beth Chitekwe-Biti
Dr Sohela Nazneen

Advancing Freedom of Expression in the Commonwealth

The Commonwealth Charter affirms that freedom of expression—including media freedom—is essential to the flourishing of democratic societies and a basic condition for development. Recognising the complexity of the issue, as well as its importance, this session involves a positive and forward-looking discussion on freedom of expression: why does it matter and how can it be protected? What can the Commonwealth – its member states and institutions – do to support and advance free and responsible media? How can the proposed Commonwealth Principles on Media Freedom help leverage positive change?

Dr Anne T. Gallagher AO
Victoria Rubadiri
Dionne Jackson-Miller
Dr Sa'eed Husaini
Julfikar Ali Manik
Kigali, Rwanda

A Commonwealth for All

People’s Forum delegates joined this interactive, inclusive conversation with their ideas about what is important, what must change and what support they need to help lead the Commonwealth into the future.

Alicia Wallace
Dr Justin Koonin
Ineza Umuhoza Grace
Dr Linda Yueh
Patricia Scotland
Dato' Sudha Devi K.R. Vasudevan