The Poet Laureate of Jamaica Prizes for Poetry 2024

The National Library of Jamaica is proud to announce the 2024 cycle of the Poet Laureate of Jamaica Young Writer’s Prize for Poetry. Inspired by the slogan “I See my Land…”, the prize specifically focuses on the use of eco-poetics or writing poetry about the environment.

The winner of the prize will receive $1,000 US dollars, as well as an invitation to participate in an award ceremony to be held in Kingston in March 2024. The Poet Laureate of Jamaica Young Writer’s Prize for Poetry affords shortlisted applicants the opportunity to have their work critically reviewed by Ms. Olive Senior, Poet Laureate of Jamaica.

The Poet Laureate of Jamaica program is administered by the National Library of Jamaica.


  • The prize is open to Jamaican nationals between the ages of 18-25.
  • The submitted poems must be the original work of the applicant.
  • Poems should possess a thematic focus on any aspect of the Jamaican or Caribbean natural environment.
  • Poems submitted for this prize should not have been previously published.

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Enquiries about submissions should be directed to the National Library of Jamaica. Please always refer to their website for complete details and information.

Please note, this competition is run by the National Library of Jamaica, not the Commonwealth Foundation.