AKO Caine Prize for African Writing: 2023
We are pleased to announce the call for submissions for the 2023 AKO Caine Prize for African Writing. The Prize seeks to bring African writing to a wider audience using the annual literary award.
The prize winner is awarded £10,000. In addition to this, five shortlisted writers will be invited to London for a series of events including public readings, interviews with media institutions, private event with agents, and an invitation to the 2023 award ceremony where the winner will be announced.
The shortlisted stories will also be published in the 2023 AKO Caine Prize anthology.
Submission Guidelines:
The story must have been published in the five years preceding the submissions deadline. For 2023 eligibility, the judges will only consider work published between 1st February 2018 and 25th January 2023.
Entries must be more than 3,000 words or less than 10,000 words.
Entries must be submitted by a publisher. This includes publishers of physical and digital books, literary journals, magazines or literature-oriented websites.
Self-published and unpublished works are not eligible.
The competition deadline is 26 January 2023.
For full details, please refer here.
Enquiries about submissions should be directed to the AKO Caine Prize, please always refer to their website for complete details and information.
Please note, this prize is run by the AKO Caine Prize, not the Commonwealth Foundation