Concerned about the Climate Crisis? Add your voice here

Posted on 03/08/2021
By Commonwealth Foundation

We want to include as many of you as possible in making video recordings of the spoken word poem Global Line Up, by renowned Pacific poet Karlo Mila. We are particularly keen to receive videos from people under the age of 26.

The poem will be presented as a part of the Commonwealth Foundation’s forthcoming Critical Conversation: Small Island States and Climate Justice: Looking ahead to COP26.

All you have to do is record yourself reading the poem, or a section of the poem, and send the video to us. We will pay a fee to all those whose videos feature in the event.

This Critical Conversation is a call to arms. It will bring together activists, thought leaders, and policymakers to confront the challenges and opportunities ahead, most especially in relation to small islands states. It will interrogate the role that the Commonwealth could play — should play — in placing the needs of this group of States front and centre in international negotiations.

As the world enters a critical decade for our climate, Commonwealth Member States and institutions must come together: demonstrating a united front and decisive leadership at the forthcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow in November — COP26.

Global Line Up will be shared online and is the opportunity for many voices around the Commonwealth to become one in solidarity, to demand that not only words are spoken at COP26 but that actions are taken.

Please email or file transfer your video recordings by 16 August to

Open Call: Video Technical Guidelines Poem: Global Line Up