'Getting There' by Farah Ghuznavi

Posted on 10/01/2014
By Commonwealth Foundation
"The reassuring solidity of the mahogany dining table provided  much-needed support, though Laila was not conscious of leaning against it as she listened to her mother's splintered voice spilling out the story: her sister Shaheen, an accident on the highway, and the clinical silence of the intensive care unit as a terrified family huddled together for comfort, waiting for news."
Farah Ghuznavi

Farah Ghuznavi

Read the rest of Farah Ghuznavi’s short story Getting There in the online magazine Out of Print.

From June to December 2013 Farah joined us on the site as a Visiting Writer.
Farah is a writer and newspaper columnist, with a background in development work. She holds three University degrees from the London School of Economics, and has worked in the NGO sector and the UN.

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