National reports

Posted on 30/10/2012
By Martin Petts

The Commonwealth Foundation has led research in 14 countries.

Key research questions

Given the challenging, complex and unpredictable context in which any post-2015 framework is likely to be negotiated, the Commonwealth Perspectives project has addressed the following key questions through extensive consultation and deliberative engagement with its various stakeholders which included relevant government departments, civil society and the private sector:

  • Were Commonwealth member states on track to achieve the various MDGs by the 2015 target date?
  • What were the key points of progress, setback and missed opportunities?
  • What were the reasons some countries are continuing to perform poorly or may never satisfactorily meet all the goals?
  • How useful and adequate was the MDG framework to civil society and how did CSOs relate to the framework?
  • What if anything, should follow the MDGs? What should the new global framework look like?

Commonwealth Perspectives: the post-2015 Millennium Development Goal agenda

For the Millennium Development Goals to be effective, they must be inclusive
