Kill Your Darlings: Open Submission. Open 1-31 March

Posted on 20/02/2015
By Commonwealth Foundation


Kill Your Darlings Logo

Founded in 2010 by Rebecca Starford and Hannah Kent, Kill Your Darlings is an Australian cultural publication that comprises a quarterly journal, a website and blog, regular event series and a writers’ workshop. Kill Your Darlings publishes writers at varying stages of their careers, from new and emerging voices to established and well-known writers, as they explain:

KillYourDarlings mag“Publishing essays, commentary, interviews, fiction and reviews, as well as regular opinion-pieces and columns,KYD is committed to feisty new writing unafraid of pulling punches across all genres. Generating discussion, testing boundaries and, most importantly, not taking ourselves too seriously, we delight in reporting on both high- and low-brow culture. Meaning we enjoy publishing writing as diverse as the politics of climate change to why everyone’s so down on bestselling novel Eat, Pray, Love…”

In March, the quarterly edition is opens for submissions of original writing – submission will open from 1-31 March 2015.  They encourage writers from around the world and at all levels of experience who wish to submit an essay, feature article or review to send a pitch or submit to Kill Your Darlings For further details, visit their submissions page.

For news of more opportunities from around the world, follow Commonwealth Writers on twitter (@cwwriters) and like us on Facebook.

More opportunities

binyavanga Wainaina landscape (photo credit Francesco Alesi)Need inspiration? Listen to a 10×10 podcast – 10 minutes with 10 writers from around the world, including Margaret Atwood and Binyavnaga Wainaina.