About Janet Morrison

Posted on 01/03/2013
By Commonwealth Foundation

janet morrison
Janet Morrison, from Jamaica, is VP-Creative of Dunlop Corbin Communications by profession and a writer by nature. Her real passion, however, is the scripting she does as a Social and Behaviour Change Communication specialist. She is also the winner of the 2012 BBC International Radio Playwriting Competition (English as a first language category) with her play, The Fisherman.
In April 2013, to celebrate the BBC World Service premiere of The FishermanJanet took up residence on the Commonwealth Writers’ website, writing a series of articles related to her play.

To celebrate Janet’s time on our website and her win we recorded these interviews with her.

"It's not that you're layering a story on top of the issue, but that the story comes from the issue. Because If you're examining people's lives in a very real way, then that's where your story is."
Janet Morrison

The social impact of writing

The importance of character

Advice to writers

The script editing process

The power of fiction to inspire change

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