Elsewhere Lit: Call for Submissions. Deadline 31 March

Posted on 21/01/2015
By Commonwealth Foundation

Elsewhere LitElsewhere is a biannual journal currently accepting submissions for its forthcoming special issue. They are looking for short fiction from writers of any nationality that explores notion of “Indian-ness”:
“In this special issue of Elsewhere we explore ‘India-ness’ as an idea, a state of being, a nothing, a everything. We are looking to peep beyond known thematic and formal confines of Indian fiction in English. Send us an array of literary styles, ranging from traditional to avant-garde to anything in between, but we are particularly interested in work that experiments with language, genre and form, stories that defy easy categories, that have trouble finding a home elsewhere.”
Stories should be between 1200 and 7500 words in length. Entries must be original, written in English and unpublished. The deadline for submissions for this issue is March 31 2015. Please submit using Elsewhere Lit’s online submissions manager or email your submission as an attachment to elsewherelitmag@gmail.com.
For news of more opportunities, follow Commonwealth Writers on twitter (@cwwriters) and Facebook.