Commonwealth Health Ministers Meeting: Civil Society Forum 2015

Posted on 10/05/2015
By Commonwealth Foundation
Ministers at CHMM17

The Foundation supported the Civil Society Partners’ Forum in conjunction with the 27th Commonwealth Health Ministers’ Meeting 2015 (CHMM). The forum was held in Geneva on Saturday, 16 May 2015. It made important considerations on financing to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Civil society participated in deliberations with policy makers, and had the opportunity to engage with Ministers at the CHMM, signifing key changes to processes for civic inputs at this level.

Universal Health Coverage

Investing in health: an economic imperative for sustainable development

High priority, evidenced-based, cost-effective, health interventions exist; research has demonstrated that implementation of these interventions would result in a ‘convergence’ of health outcomes between developed and developing countries within a generation. This forum explored the financing of investing in health and asked Commonwealth Health Ministers to define their own set of high priority services and to universally implement these with public financing from national budgets with contributions, if necessary, from the international community.

Forum speakers included Sir George Alleyne, Ms Jill Iliffe, Mr K M Gopakumar and Dr Ravindra Rannan-Eliya.


Bringing civil society into the Commonwealth Health Ministers Meeting

Civic voice dialogue in Commonwealth Ministerial spaces is a critical element of participatory governance on health.
