The 10WAMM Partners’ Forum is organised by the Commonwealth Foundation in partnership with BRAC, in collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh and the Commonwealth Secretariat. Representatives of key national and regional organisations have also provided formal input into the planning of the Forum.
About BRAC
Spreading solutions born in Bangladesh to 10 other countries around the world – BRAC is a global leader to alleviate poverty by empowering the poor, and helping them to bring about positive changes in their lives by creating opportunity for the world’s poor. It works with a holistic development approach geared toward inclusion, using tools like microfinance, education, healthcare, legal services, community empowerment, gender justice and more. BRAC now touches the lives of an estimated 126 million people, with staff and BRAC-trained entrepreneurs numbering in the hundreds of thousands, a global movement bringing change to 11 countries in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean.
Partners’ Forum Design Committee
Organisations across the globe are contributing to the designing of the 10WAMM Partners’ Forum. These organisations are working both at the national and international level.
Women Empowerment Literacy and Development Organisation (WELDO), Pakistan
Caribbean Policy Development Centre, Barbados
Women in Law and Development in Africa (WilDAF)
Naripokkho, Bangladesh
Steps Towards Development, Bangladesh
Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BWCCI)
Ministry of Women & Children Affairs, Government of Bangladesh