CGPMG Civil Society Representative for the Caribbean

Posted on 08/02/2014
By Martin Petts
Ms. Hazel Brown

Ms Hazel Brown

Coordinator of the Network of NGOs of Trinidad and Tobago for the Advancement of Women

Ms. Brown has been professionally involved in research, social development and community organisation projects since 1969. Her specific area of focus has been in the area of poverty eradication, consumer affairs and in promoting gender equity. She has organised and conducted seminars and workshops pursuant to these ends through the organizations she has been a part of, as well as in collaboration with government ministries, CARICOM, Commonwealth organizations, OAS, PAHO, UNIFEM and other UN agencies.

Ms. Brown is a founding member of the Network of NGO’s of Trinidad and Tobago for the Advancement of Women, a comprehensive national umbrella organisation formed in 1985 The Network is an advocate and support for women’s organisations in Trinidad and Tobago and is a part of many regional and international networks of women including CIWIL and WEDO. She has also developed a good working relationship with the Trinidad and Tobago National Women’s Machinery.

She is the past Secretary General of the Commonwealth Women’s Network (CWN) and has been engaged in Commonwealth activities since the first Commonwealth People’s Forum at CHOGM in Harare in 1991. She has been a consistent advocate for a strong voice and space for Civil Society in Commonwealth activities and decision-making.


Commonwealth Gender Plan of Action Monitoring Group

The Commonwealth Plan of Action for Gender Equality provides the framework through which the Commonwealth contributes to the advancement of gender equality and benefits from civil society input.
