CGPMG Civil Society Representative for Asia

Posted on 08/02/2014
By Martin Petts
Ms. Sijal Aziz

Ms Sijal Aziz

Director, Outreach and Programs – Women Empowerment Literacy and Development Organization (WELDO), Pakistan

In 2003, Ms. Sijal Aziz, embarked upon her lifelong ambition for empowering women and making a positive contribution to the development sector through founding Women Empowerment Literacy and Development Organization (WELDO). Over the years she has had the privilege of working with women at grassroots, local, national and international level. These women range from a woman who is a victim of domestic and social abuse in a backward village in Pakistan to a woman in power in Brussels.

A staunch believer in “economic autonomy” of women, she has been instrumental in raising the socio-economic and cultural status of women within the deeply patriarchal village societies of Pakistan and capacitating women entrepreneurs within the developed cities.

Based on her strong communication and networking skills she has worked with more than 250 organizations across the world under various developmental and gender empowerment projects. She has had the privilege of representing her organization and Pakistan in multiple countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America.

She is currently working in WELDO and living with her 15 months old daughter in Rawalpindi.


Commonwealth Gender Plan of Action Monitoring Group

The Commonwealth Plan of Action for Gender Equality provides the framework through which the Commonwealth contributes to the advancement of gender equality and benefits from civil society input.
