About Angella Emurwon

Posted on 01/04/2013
By Commonwealth Foundation

Angella Jacqueline Emurwon
Angella Emurwon is a writer and stage director who lives and works in Kampala, Uganda. Her works to date include The Cow Needs a Wife (3rd place, 2010 BBC African Performance Playwriting Competition), which was later adapted as a stage play, and The River and the Mountain, the first Ugandan play to feature an openly gay character.
In April 2013, to celebrate the BBC World Service premiere of her play Sunflowers Behind a Dirty Fence, which won first prize in the English as a Second Language category in the 2012 International Radio Playwriting Competition, Angella took up residence on the Commonwealth Writers’ website, writing a series of articles related to her play.

To celebrate Angella’s time on our website and her win we also recorded these interviews with her.

"Absolutely fiction has the power to change things. When we understand each other, when we see things from each other's point of view... I think it makes us more compassionate people."
Angella Emurwon

The challenges of having a social focus as a writer

The script editing process in an international context

Motivation, inspiration, and the creative journey

The power of fiction to inspire change

Read Angella's Posts