Amina J Mohammed to address the 18CCEM Stakeholders’ Forum

Posted on 28/07/2012
By Martin Petts
Amina J Mohammed OFR

The Commonwealth Foundation has announced Amina J Mohammed OFR as keynote speaker at the Stakeholders’ Forum at the 18th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers Meeting (CCEM) in August this year in Mauritius.

Ms Mohammed will address the Stakeholders’ Forum theme: ‘Education in the Commonwealth: Making it happen’.

Ms Mohammed recently stepped down as the Senior Special Assistant to the President of Nigeria on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) after serving three Presidents over a period of six years. Her career as a development practitioner has spanned over 30 years in the public and private sectors as well as civil society.

Ms Mohammed is currently teaching at Columbia University as Adjunct Professor on a Master’s Course for Development Practice. This builds on her former role as National Coordinator for Education for All (EFA) at the Federal Ministry of Education in Nigeria (2001-2005). In this capacity she coordinated the development of the National Action Plan for EFA. 

Her remarks at the forthcoming Stakeholders’ Forum will open up the debate on taking education forward in the overall development context during the next three years leading up to 2015 and in the post-2015 era, looking at it from the point of view of the non-state actors and considering what role they can play in association with governments.  She is also expected to draw on cultural linkages to education in light of the Commonwealth theme of ‘Connecting Cultures’.

The 18CCEM Stakeholders’ Forum is a parallel event supporting the 18th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers alongside the Teachers’ Forum, Post-Secondary and Higher Education Leaders’ Forum and Youth Forum. It will bring together education representatives from business, government, academia, civil society, and the development and donor communities to discuss and debate practical measures to transform education delivery around the Commonwealth.

The 18CCEM Stakeholders’ Forum is organised by the Commonwealth Foundation in collaboration with the Government of Mauritius and the Commonwealth Secretariat, in partnership with Link Community Development and Nexus Strategic Partnerships Limited.