2015 BN Poetry Award. Deadline 15 May

Posted on 10/02/2015
By Commonwealth Foundation


The 2015 BN Poetry Award is open for entries. Founded in 2008, the BN Poetry Award was initially set-up to provide a platform for women  poets in Uganda. In 2013, it extended its remit to include all African poets living anywhere in the world, male and female – writers either born on the continent, citizens of an African country or with either one or both parents that are African citizens.

bn-poetry-awardTo enter, writers need to submit between 1 and 3 unpublished and original poems in English with a maximum combine length of 40 lines. Only writers who will not have published (or self-published) a full-length collection of poetry by May 2015 are eligible to enter. The deadline for receipt of submissions is 15 May 2015. The best ten entries will receive dedicated poetry mentorship, publication of their work and the opportunity to participate in various literary festivals. In addition to this, the overall winner will also receive $1000 prize money.

Visit the BN Poetry Award’s website for further submission guidelines.

For news of more opportunities, follow Commonwealth Writers on twitter (@cwwriters) and Facebook.

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