10 minutes with Belizean writer, Ivory Kelly

Posted on 29/09/2014
By Commonwealth Foundation
“The short story’s so condensed you have to craft it very carefully and make sure your images are particularly sharp. Whereas a novel is like say a steak, a steak dinner. You just want that one thing, that whole half a pound of great steak - and your favourite sauce - and that’s great. But sometimes you want a buffet.”
Ivory Kelly

Photo_Poetry Reading_Ven. EmbassyIvory is the author of Point of Order: Poetry and Prose (2009). Her works have also appeared in several Belizean anthologies, including: The Alchemy of Words, Vol. 2 (2008); Treasures of a Century (2005); Memories Dreams and Nightmares, Vol. 2 (2002); and She (2001). Ivory grew up in Sittee River Village, Belize. She currently lives in Belmopan and teaches in the English department at the University of Belize.
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Point of Order, Ivory KellyPoint of Order (2009) – Ivory’s debut, a mixture of poetry and prose, was described in Amandala as ‘another concrete manifestation that Belizean writers are necessary for our nation’s soul’.
Belize: Ivory Kelly – Listen to Ivory perform her poem ‘Schoolbooks’ for the BBC Poetry Postcards series in 2014.
Commonwealth Voices: Belizean Writer Ivory Kelly – The writer discusses her inspiration and her Belizean identity in this British Council interview.
Pepperpot – Ivory’s story ‘This Thing We Call Love’ appears in this anthology of the best Caribbean entries to the Commonwealth Short Story Prize. Pepperpot is the first book from the Peekash imprint, which grew out of CaribLit, a local economic development initiative to strengthen the publishing and writing infrastructure in the Caribbean region.

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